5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Teeth

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Teeth

image: https://www.pexels.com

Brushing your teeth daily is an essential part of maintaining proper oral hygiene. You also generally need to keep your teeth clean for your own health and for aesthetic reasons. Sometimes though, you can make mistakes that are more problematic than helpful. Here are 5 mistakes you want to avoid when cleaning your teeth:

1) Don't Use a Hard Toothbrush
We all want to scrub out all the little bits that are stuck between our teeth. However sometimes it’s better to use a toothbrush with softer bristles. Everyone's gums are different. If your toothbrush is too firm you can get bleeding gums or other damage. Healthy gums mean better teeth held in place.

2) Don't Put Metal in Your Mouth
Ever see someone pick their teeth with a random on hand object? Don't be that person. Even wooden toothpicks can damage your gums but using metal objects can chip your teeth. Damaged teeth not only cost a lot to repair but cause headaches and endless pain.

3) Don't Gargle Too Diligently
Mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria but overuse is a bad thing. Gargling mouthwash constantly can erode the enamel on your teeth. This causes your teeth to pain and become sensitive every time you eat. If you suffer from sensitive teeth try gargling mouthwash less and see if it helps.

4) Don't Ignore the Dentist
Even if you believe you have the healthiest teeth around you shouldn't get complacent. Don't feel bad about visiting the dentist every so often for a routine checkup. They may find something you couldn't see from your point of view and give you specific cleaning tips.

5) Avoid Excessive Bleaching
There's an endless assortment of bleaching products around for your teeth. Unless you need perfect pearly whites, you don't have to use them all the time. Too much and they can also damage the layers on your teeth and cause problems. In fact, scientific studies claim that your natural tooth color should be more grayish than white.